Walking Men & DoubleDouble Content creation
There’s nothing like a good story

What’s the best way to go about getting attention amidst a sea of marketers all trying to do the exact same thing? The way we see it: your customers are people. The best way to attract their attention is to appeal to their emotions - in other words, to tell them a story. We are not talking about manipulating customers here, but about finding the best way to reach them, building their trust and your credibility.
Consumers now expect to find out everything there is to know about the brands they do business with. Such transparency has become possible in an increasingly connected world. The search for meaningful consumerism makes the stories you tell through digital channels count.
That’s why we are passionate about working with our clients to envision effective strategies for creating valuable online content.
01 We love video
Video is engaging and easy to understand. Everyone agrees: it’s the the future of content marketing. Most marketers expect video to dominate their strategies in the upcoming future, and it’s not difficult to see why. For that reason, we have joined forces with the talented team of DoubleDouble.
Together, we create attractive and targeted digital content and develop new methods for meeting our clients’ content demands.

02 Let your consumers do the talking : Orange LOVE
In September 2017, Orange gave the Belgian Telco market a run for its money with the launch of LOVE. We let customers show their love for LOVE, providing proof that it combined the best internet connection, TV offer and flexible mobile solutions for less than any other provider via customer testimonials.

03 Beautifully crafted animations designed to shine on social media: the ICON communication campaign
We set the fabulous Icon team up with on-point advertising material to let the world in on the launch of their online store!

04 Employees make the best ambassadors: Nielsen
How do you let your clients know about the launch of your amazing new platform for collaboration? Simple: by letting your employees tell their story. So that’s exactly what we did.